Our research investigates how species’ traits and environmental attributes interact to influence community and population structure of aquatic organisms.
Current Projects, Collaborations, & Active Areas of Research
SMARTSIM: Simulating Metapopulations and Removal Tactics for Strategic Invasives Management - supported by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, in collaboration with the US Forest Service; Huachuca Mountains and Canelo Hills, AZ
StreamCLIMES: Studying Stream Drying across the US - supported by the National Science Foundation; The Smokies and Northern Virginia, with coordinated sites across the US
Scaling Climate Change Vulnerability: How do Assessment Models Compare? - supported by the US Geological Survey and the Global Change Center at Virginia Tech; Blacksburg, VA
Linking Environmental and Genetic Stability Through Time: A Case Study with the Arizona Treefrog - Huachuca Mountains and Canelo Hills, AZ
Understanding Anurans in a Hotter, Dryer World: An Experimental Mesocosm Approach - Blacksburg, VA
Dry Rivers RCN: NSF Research Coordination Network - supported by NSF; International Collaboration
The Mims Lab at Virginia Tech!